3 ways to practice sustainability in the construction sector

Posted by Compass Group on Dec 27, 2021

A hand holding a plant.Sustainable construction means using environmentally responsible processes throughout a building’s life cycle. Reducing the carbon footprint in the construction industry may seem like a daunting task, but the opportunities for construction companies to practice sustainability are endless.

EcoVadis’ Business Sustainability Risk and Performance Index examines and ranks more than 46,000 companies across four themes: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. The construction sector is on the rise with one of the highest average scores in 2020. 

With sustainability improving on a global scale, it’s the perfect opportunity to assess construction processes at home and find where there is still room for growth. To keep the construction industry on its upward trajectory, here are three things construction companies should do to build in harmony with the natural environment.

A chart showing how sustainability can help your construction company.

  • Use less to save more

Using less water, energy, and gas during the building process shrinks the impact on the natural surroundings while increasing the return on investment. Be mindful when determining the logistics of deliveries and machinery use to reduce mileage and emissions. While you can’t always use less, you can always use more efficiently.


  • Reduce waste

Overestimating the amount of materials needed to build is common. Taking extra time to improve accuracy is the most direct solution, but there are also many ways to reuse the leftovers. Pallets can be returned to manufacturers for reuse, you can use drywall scraps as filler pieces, old brick can serve as backfill along foundation walls… Be creative! When it’s time to clean up, recycle everything you can. 


  • Create a long-term sustainability strategy 

Considering sustainability in all processes from start to finish is key, but it doesn’t happen overnight. Plan ahead with procedures specific to your team and the working environment. Remember that reducing waste doesn’t end when the building is complete. Incorporate elements into the building design that have an ongoing positive effect, such as installing proper insulation to prevent heat loss. Sustainable buildings cut environmental costs while increasing the structure’s long-term value.

By adopting sustainable building practices today, construction companies can have a positive impact on their clients and on the environment.

Topics: construction industry