Constructing Northeast Florida: The Compass Group Blog

Preparing for tornado season

Written by Compass Group | Apr 5, 2022

Tornado season is upon us. Though tornado activity typically peaks in the spring and late summer, the Southeast is most at risk in April. At any time of year, Florida’s warm, humid air paired with cool breezes from the north is a recipe for the perfect storm. 


As a building owner, it’s extremely important to be proactive when planning for potential storm damages. Here are two preventative measures you can take to protect yourself and your property: 


  • Identify your response team.

In any weather-related emergency, the first priority is having a safe roof over your head. Worst-case scenario, our construction professionals are ready to quickly assess the damage and provide an emergency response plan.


  • Think ahead.

The best way to prepare for a storm is by identifying any existing potential hazards in your structure. You can prevent severe damage by spotting structural problems and leaks before they occur. Our engineers can identify and resolve these physical and structural problems that might otherwise not be spotted until it’s too late.


While tornadoes are often unpredictable, you have full control over the steps you take to prevent building damage. We hope for clear, sunny days ahead, but Compass Group will be there for you if the weather takes a turn for the worse.