Constructing Northeast Florida: The Compass Group Blog

Four construction trends to watch out for in 2021

Written by Compass Group | Feb 22, 2021

These up-and-coming construction trends are the ones to look out for this year.

The focus of 2021 is out with the bad and in with the good. It’s all about putting 2020 behind us and moving forward. It’s important to look back at last year’s trends and see how we can improve and what’s evolving in the construction industry. 

Here are the four construction trends to look out for in 2021:

1. Safety

The primary trend for 2021 is safety, primarily by keeping workers safe. Before, workplace injuries like tripping and falling were the most immediate concern. Now, contracting COVID-19 can endanger employees. Some ways to protect workers is by enforcing masks in the workplace, increasing sanitation protocols, and, in some places, getting the COVID-19 vaccine, which may be enforced by employers. 

Another protocol that can be implemented is to stop sharing tools, gloves, and hard hats. Everyone should use their own protective equipment or write their name on it to tell them apart. OSHA released a guide for construction workers on exposure risk levels and how to properly prevent and control the spread of COVID-19. 

2. 3D Printing

3D printing is used worldwide and becoming more popular. It can help reduce jobsite work density. 3D printing can also make housing more affordable and eco-friendly by making custom injection molding pieces more affordable. 

Some examples of 3D printing in action are in Mexico, where Icon, a 3D homebuilding company, raised $35 million to build an entire neighborhood using 3D printing. Another example is in Florida where Printed Farms built the first permitted 3D printed home. 

3. Smart Contracts

The next big technology trend for construction in 2021 is blockchain. Blockchain is a digital way of storing records. It gets its name because the records are like blocks linked together in a list.  This technology is great for improving productivity for a fast-moving, more secure workflow. 

Projects using smart contracts offer all the organizations participating a shared system that allows pay, track, and buy services. Smart contracts can be used as an all-in-one tracking system instead of tracking deliverables and getting contacts from multiple parties. This is done by using a blockchain to enforce rules and deadlines. 

4. Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Building information technology is a great tool for improving efficiency. It does this by designing and building structures in virtual spaces, giving companies the ultimate test run to see any mistakes before building. 

BIM makes managing models and sharing data easy by allowing builders to see issues relating to design before they start construction. This can save money for the office and in the field. Some of the top BIM software solutions in 2021 are Autodesk BIM 360, Tekla BIMsight, Revit Navisworks, BIMobject, and BIMx. 

With advancements in technology and improvements on how to handle COVID-19, it will be interesting to see what trends arise in the future.