Constructing Northeast Florida: The Compass Group Blog

5 best tips for staying safe on the job site

Written by Compass Group | Aug 14, 2023

Construction is one of the most dangerous industries to be working in. It is imperative to rely on the regulations already placed by authoritative entities but personal measures are (if not more) just as crucial. Listed below are 5 of our best tips for personal measures to stay safe on the job site.

1. Don’t forget your PPE

What screams personal safety more than Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? As we said before, there are regulations already in place, but PPE will help keep you safe and serve as a “backup plan” should you come into contact with any dangers on the construction site.


2. Keep your area organized and tidy.

If your area is unorganized, this can cause many small accidents and potentially lead to a larger issue. For example, having clutter in an area considered an escape pathway can cause you to trip and may cause more serious damage on a job site.


3. Implement an emergency plan.

Having an emergency plan can save you precious time if something were to happen, which is crucial when it comes to emergency situations. Implementing an emergency plan means solving the emergency situation and being prepared for future financial, emotional, and environmental disasters.


4. Decline work that seems dangerous.

To ensure optimal safety, you should always avoid situations where you don’t feel safe or aren’t comfortable with. Sometimes you might feel a sense of pressure from outside factors (i.e. production schedule), but as a construction worker, your optimal health will lead to a successful project.


5. Wear appropriate clothing.

Wearing baggy clothing or improperly tied shoes can be one of the biggest dangers on a job site. Anything that happens to your clothing items and shoes will directly affect you –– be it something getting caught on your oversized shirt or a shoelace causing you to fall. Wear properly fitted clothing and be mindful of any hazards around you that can cause damage to articles of clothing, such as protruding nails. 

Here at Compass Group, we aim to provide high-quality projects for our clients. We are aware every person and item on our projects are of the highest importance and because of that, we guarantee safety and satisfaction.

For more information on our company and what we have to offer, visit our website at


Photo by Tranmautritam